Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Fall is Here.

It's October. Fall. Temperatures no longer tickling the triple digits. YAY! The kids want pumpkins and festive fall yard art that I will have to haul from the attic and dust off before stabbing the stakes of scarecrows, ghosts and witches into the front yard and garden. I'm making crockpot chili for dinner because it's finally cool enough to enjoy it. I tried to wear a long sleeve shirt on the morning mom marathon dash to school this a.m. but it is still too warm for running in long sleeves. And on Tuesdays, I have to RUN twice up the hill because Graham has GT at 8:15 and can't miss the bus and then Amanda has class at regular time so it's grab a kid and go up the hill, literally RUN back down, grab another kid and dash back up to school. By the time the late bell rings, I have already done at least a mile ... outside the house. And you know, I wouldn't trade it for the world.

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