Thursday, October 23, 2008


In these trying times, when you can't count on your bank, your air quality, or your food sources, it nice to know there are a few things that still are dependable. Here's what I've found to be true...

1. Mom will always feed and water the dog, no matter how much someone else in the family wanted the pet.

2. Kids grow faster than you want them to.

3. Laundry never ends. Ever.

4. A clean sink does make facing the morning easier.

5. No one can decide on a Halloween costume a month in advance.

6. If you don't bring an umbrella, it will rain.

7. If you wash your car ... finally!... it will rain.

8. If you mow the yard and fertilize, it won't rain.

9. Dust bunnies multiply as fast as the furry kind.

10. Mom does know best.

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